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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Kagan bombshell video--why she should be impeached

When Elena Kagan was nominated by Barack Obama and approved by the U.S. Senate to be a Supreme Court justice in 2010, conservatives and Constitutional purists sounded the warning alarms concerning this new addition to the highest court in the land. Those warnings fell on deaf ears as a few RINOS--Republicans in Name Only--joined a unanimous Democrat majority in approving the nominee, including South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham.
Numerous background studies were done on Kagan that confirmed suspicions that she is a Leftwing extremist, a crony of Barack Obama from the Chicago School of Law, and has consistently issued rulings that fly in the face of every known Constitutional principle that has stood in place since the document was ratified in 1789. She hasattacked free speechfreedom of religion, and has supported broad-based government censorship. She defended ObamaCare as the Administration's chief counsel during hearings on the bill. She now sits on the very court that will decide the ultimate fate of that bill--a clear conflict of interest.
However, the explosive video embedded in the left column, only a minute and a half in length, shows the bombshell proof that not only should Kagan never have been approved for the Supreme Court, but given that now that she sits on the bench, she should be impeached.

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