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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bloody resistance vs. bloody aggression--a difficult concept?

Progressive puerility has reared its ugly head yet again as wild charges and false accusations have followed in the wake of yesterday's article concerning why a bloody civil war is inevitable. The pompous pimps of progressive propaganda appear to have severe reading comprehension deficiencies, particularly when it comes to the vast difference between 'bloody resistance to tyranny' and 'bloody aggression.' This is not a difficult concept. The first phrase denotes defense--defending one's safety, liberty, and security with force if necessary, while the second denotes the aggressors who make a 'bloody defense' necessary. 
That difference appears to be totally lost on the amebic nebula of the nefarious numbskulls of the neo-Nazi Left.
One person offered the following in response to the concepts presented in yesterday's article...

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