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Monday, May 23, 2011

Second Amendment News Roundup for 5/23/2011

All guns and politics, from the best gun rights and liberty bloggers on the Internet.

Kurt Hofmann reports that a gun owner privacy law is now going to the Illinois Governor's desk for a signature, but a state senator--a Democrat--got his feelings hurt in the process.

David Codrea says that a New York Congressman with ties to the mob has proposed a national gun registration bill.

WRSA has a most important read entitled, 'Principles of Tyranny.'

Tam has a very special message for Pima County, Arizona sheriff Dupnik (Dumbnik actually).

The Stiletto comments on the Republican field of candidates, particularly RINO Mitt Romney.

Newbius provides an excellent confirmation of what I've been saying all along about those who make predictions about the end of the world.

Breda shares her open carry update.

Traction Control posts an interesting video of a group of rednecks who get a gun pulled on them.

John Jacob H has more info on the SWAT team in Arizona that pumped 71 rounds of lead into an Army vet who served in Iraq.

GunRights4US follows up with his take on the SWAT team overkill in Arizona.

Brigid provides an informative review of a pocket pistol.

Days of our Trailers blogs on the double standards inherent among the gun control freaks.

Around O-Town notes that government agencies refuse to secure the border, but they will conduct pat-downs of students at proms.

Behind the Parapet comments on various and sundry items in the news.

Alphecca reminds us to be very careful about what we post to the web. Read to see the reason why.

A Line in the Desert has a video of Holder being questioned by Congress concerning the DOJ-ATF gun smuggling scandal.

Mike McCarville shares a video of GOP Presidential contender Herman Cain. I like this guy.

Pamela Geller reports that Christian and Jewish leaders have responded to Barack Obama's outright attack on Israel, and they are telling the President he is wrong. Good!

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