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Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Second Amendment News Roundup for 3/8/2011

All guns and politics, from the best gun rights-and-liberty bloggers on the Internet!

Mike McCarville has 'the Obama energy policy.'

Kurt Hofmann asks, 'Why should any gun dealer cooperate with the ATF?'

David Codrea offers a roundup of all of the gun rights bloggers at Examiner.

Around O-Town reports an example of 'the H factor.'  An anti-gun Senator shoots an intruder.

Pamela Geller makes public a secret tape of NPR's blatant left-wing bias, and shilling for Muslim extremists.  Time to de-fund the entire operation!

Days of our Trailers posts a special message for Illinois Women for Concealed Carry.

Brigid has a very special guest post from none other than her Dad.

Standing By declares that Democrats should lead the way in impeaching Obama.

Nicki provides a video entitled, 'The Philosophy of Liberty.'

Newbius announces a blogshoot in Knoxville on Memorial Day.

The Wandering Minstrel has a map of gasoline prices across the U.S.

Way Up North tells us why it is wrong-headed to blame the oil companies for the recent spike in gasoline prices.

Nicholas Contompasis warns us that all eyes should be on Saudi Arabia this Friday for the 'day of rage' scheduled to hit that country, which could result in gasoline going to $20 bucks per gallon!

Stop Liberal Lies reports that defeated representatives in Congress gave their staffs extra large payoffs on their way out the door--at the expense of taxpayers, of course.


Anonymous said...

This is bizarre! The RC Soles story, word for word, is from 2009!

For some reason it has been making the rounds for the last few weeks.

My little blog has been bombarded with hits since February for the post I made at the time.

In Liberty,

Welshman said...

Okay, John, thanks for the heads up!