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Monday, January 17, 2011

Second Amendment News Roundup for 1/17/2011

All guns and politics, from the best gun-rights-and-liberty bloggers on the Internet!

Around O-Town presents a special 'tribute' to that beloved protector of individual freedom...ahem...Rep. Carolyn McCarthy of New York--gun-grabber extraordinaire.  By the way, Around O-Town lived in that area once, and has personal knowledge of McCarthy, little Chucky Schumer, and 'the Bastard' Mayor Bloomberg.

David Codrea has a major bone to pick with the Catholic Church over gun rights.  Wake up folks!  The enemies of liberty have infiltrated the churches!  Keep your eyes open.

John Jacob H follows up on that story with a video on the Catholic gun-grabbers.  Go see.

Kurt Hofmann says that a prominent columnist wrote that 'violent talk' protects gun rights.  Take a look.

WRSA reports disturbing news on the overt move in America to silence free speech.  And the bad part of it is that I sense the citizens have gone back to sleep after the Nov. 2 elections--a fatal mistake.

Pete at WRSA also announces a major Restore the Constitution Rally coming up in Atlanta on Jan. 22.

Vanderboegh reports that the state of Virginia has formed a committee to explore monetary options in case the federal government succeeds in totally killing the dollar.

Way Up North notes that today is the 305th birthday of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, one of the most important of our Founding Fathers.

Brigid provides a 'view from the range'--from the reloading shop.

GunRights4US makes a most important point--'I do not want civil discourse!'  Me either.  How can there be 'civil discourse' about whether or not to continue with our liberties????

Tam blogs on high-capacity magazines--an item that lawmakers such as Carolyn McCarthy want to ban.

Standing By says that, yet again, the Left dances in the blood of victims.  Good reading.  Frank Lautenberg is up to no good yet again.

Breda notes that she has been known to carry empty brass from a day at the range.

Days of our Trailers has THE must-read quote of the day.

Behind the Parapet has another quote, this time from ZERO, along with a comment about it.

Alphecca quips that the bias of the NYT toward conservatives, Republicans, and the Tea Party is simply unforgivable.

1 With a Bullet provides some reflective commentary on family as one who lives in Arizona and is still reeling from the events of the past week.

Pamela Geller reports that there has been a major imam shake-up at the Ground Zero mosque, and she posts her commentary about it, which was posted at the American Thinker.

Mike McCarville has the video of Senator Tom Coburn on 'Meet the Press' as he discusses this week's ObamaCare repeal debate in Congress.

The Stiletto posts a plethora of updates and commentary on previous stories in the news, including new developments on capital punishment--always in interesting read.

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