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Friday, January 07, 2011

Second Amendment News Roundup for 1/7/2011

All guns and politics, from the best gun rights-and-liberty bloggers on the Internet!

David Codrea has an important message for Vanderboegh fans, in case you missed it.  This is very, very important, my friends.  Read and ponder over what you can do.  Be sure to follow his links as well.

Vanderboegh reports that a federal agency is committing suicide right on national TV.

WRSA provides a MUST-read on the demise of Social Security.  Yes, it is bankrupt, and no, young workers coming along today will not get one dime they put into it.

Kurt Hofmann says that once again Obama is trying to shove Traver down our throats as head of the ATF, but that this is a golden opportunity for gun owners.

Way Up North exposes a complete idiot on the Cap and Trade stuff.

Brigid announces that her surgery has been bumped up to immediacy.  Time to send up those prayers for a good result and speedy recovery.

GunRights4US says 'we should be proud of our new speaker of the House.'

From Around O-Town: 'The Hypocrite in Chief Says What???'

Tam has some stuff on cartridges, along with some historical background.

And now it's WEASEL TIME!  Da bestest political cartoons on algore's internets.  And as always, The Ol' Broad has them!  Enjoy...

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