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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Second Amendment News Roundup for 9/23/2010

All guns and politics, from the best gun rights-and-liberty bloggers on the Internet!

Behind the Parapet has the second installment of his series 'Structural Security.'

Breda gives us a heads-up on tonight's radio show 'B B and Guns.'

Billy Beck delivers some pretty strong words aimed at Glenn Beck.

Tam blogs about 'a truly freak shooting.'

Newbius says that the used car market is very difficult to negotiate with.  One dealer would not even accept cash on the barrel head, although the offer was comparable to the Blue Book 'private party' price.

Squeaks points to an interesting read on the subject of rape.

The Oxpecker says it's time to impeach Obama for high crimes against the U.S.

GunRight4US reports on the chaos taking place at Arlington National Cemetery.

Days of our Trailers has a most interesting read on 'the making of a threeper.' 

Brigid wants to assure us, her faithful readers, that she has not gone completely nuts.  LOL.

Conservative Libertarian Outpost warns that the anti-gun minions of the Democrat controlled Congress have brought back the push to pass 'the Dream Act.'  Go read AND TAKE ACTION!

Way Up North presents Part 7 of his excellent series on the Founders entitled, 'What Were They Thinking?'

WRSA asks an interesting question to mull over.

Vanderboegh has his own interesting question to ask, in light of Obama's recent statement that 'we can absorb another terrorist attack like 9/11.'

David Codrea posts more info on the DREAM ACT vote in the U.S. Senate.  Important!

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