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Monday, September 20, 2010

Second Amendment News Roundup for 9/20/2010

All guns and politics, from the best gun rights-and-liberty bloggers on the Internet!

David Codrea wonders if Ike Skelton is really a supporter of freedom.

Vanderboegh has a word fitly spoken to the GOP concerning the Tea Party.  Read it all.

WRSA has a MUST-see about the history of the Marxist-driven 'politically correct' movement.

From Conservative Libertarian Outpost: 'Witchy Woman: Who Gives a Damn?'  LOL.  A good read.

Brigid has a rather interesting post on going to shooting range, Pirate-style.  For adults only.

Armed Citizen presents 'Obama, the Queen of England, and a Riddle.'

Around O-Town posts some good news concerning his new work assignment, which places him with some great American patriots.

Behind the Parapet discusses security issues, not only with guns but with structures.

Days of our Trailers provides a ton of pics from the Illinois State Rifle Association banquet.

From the Barrel of a Gun points to a 'zero tolerance WTF moment.'  Take a look.

Greg W. Howard notes that the Marxists are creating an 'enemies list' on Twitter.

GunRights4US reports the OUTRAGE of Obama conveniently leaving out the phrase 'endowed by their Creator' from the Declaration of Independence.  The more time goes by, the more I am coming to believe that not only is Obama anti-American but a complete scumbag to boot. He should be impeached.

Nikki has a rather direct message to one David Greene over his remarks concerning the U.S. military.

Standing By comments on the ominous U.N. Small Arms Treaty, which is an attempt by Obama and company to outlaw guns in America without a vote.

Newbius calls our attention to a great young 'junior shooter.'

Tam says there is a market niche for a good-quality, reasonably priced .22LR self-loading pistol.

Way Up North posts the latest installment of his series on the Founders entitled, 'What Were They Thinking?'

Mike McCarville has the good news and the bad news on the popularity of online sources of news.

Alphecca says that Philadelphia police are harassing citizens with concealed carry permits.

Dustin's Gun Blog reminds us of the absolute necessity for patriotic citizens to register to vote, or we risk losing the nation for good.  Video included.

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