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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Second Amendment News Roundup for 8/24/2010

All guns and politics, from the best gun rights-and-liberty bloggers on the Internet!

Karl Denninger sounds the alarm about the economy in light of plummeting consumer confidence--this on the heels of today's major news of the housing crash.

WRSA reports on the latest verbal brawl to break out among gun rights advocates over Tom Baugh's speech at the North Carolina Restore the Constitution rally.

Vanderboegh has some background on the controversy.

Way Up North gives us a quick note on today's primary elections.

Breda says she created some controversy on the gun blogs with her recent post on 'the best gun for a woman.'

David Codrea asks, 'Does Westchester Storage Law Make Gun Owners Less Safe?'

The Wandering Minstrel has an important post today on 'holster failure.'

The Stiletto provides some updates, including the news that American Jews, who overwhelmingly supported Obama in 2008 (I have no earthly idea as to why) are now turning away from him in droves.

Brigid posts some interesting thoughts on the written word.

Days of our Trailers has the quote of the day on 'law abiding citizens.'

Behind the Parapet muses on the pros and cons of the crossbow in survival situations.

Alphecca comments on the fact that Gun Owners of America has dropped its support for so-called 'net neutrality.'

GunRights4US provides a photo of something he says is 'my kind of bank.'  Mine too.

Mike McCarville has a very telling quote from pollster Scott Rasmussen.

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership posts a MUST-see survey entitled, 'What Is Your Line in the Sand?'  Go have a look and take the survey.

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