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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Second Amendment News Roundup for 8/12/2010

All guns and politics, from the best gun rights-and-liberty bloggers on the Internet!

Brigid provides the must-read thought for the day.

Shannon alerts us to the fact that it is Brigid's birthday, and she posts a tribute.  Happy Birthday, B!

Way Up North says that each time he talks about Alaskan sovereignty he gets visits by you-know-who.

Tam reports that the NRA is taking credit for other people's work.

From Standing By: 'Fool Me Once, Shame on You, Fool Me Twice..."

Breda has all the info on tonight's edition of B. B. and Guns--on Blog Talk Radio.

Pax Parabellum is throwing in the towel on blogging, I am sorry to say.

John Jacob H. blogs on his wilderness tactical belt.

GunRights4US has an interesting post on how police officers are dying. 

Alphecca alerts us to the fact that once again the Leftwing nutcases are wishing death on others.

Roberta X says that the problem with Illinois is that even their Republican candidates lean anti-gun.

Mike McCarville reports that the latest polls shows Republicans now have the edge in taking back the SENATE as well as the House in November.

Gun Owners of America says that it scored a victory in Tuesday night's primaries.

WRSA has some 'angry revolutionary rhetoric' but from a highly respected source.  Take a look!

Vanderboegh bring us the latest ATF shenanigans.

David Codrea has an important message to Stallone and Schwarzenegger on guns.

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