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Monday, August 09, 2010

Second Amendment News Roundup for 8/9/2010

All guns and politics, from the best gun rights-and-liberty bloggers on the Internet.

David Codrea alerts us to a politician who thinks people are 'extremist' for advancing the right of college students to defend themselves.

Kurt Hofmann has an excellent read on why the swearing in of Justice Elena Kagan only shows that we can't count on the Supreme Court to protect our gun rights.

Vanderboegh calls our attention to a guy running for Sheriff who is worthy of our support.  Video included.

Western Rifle Shooters Association announces a series of armed 'restore the Constitution rallies' coming up. Take a look.

Brigid has a collection of photos and commentary on her 'weekend at the range.'

Way Up North provides some Monday morning thoughts of interest.

Tam gives us a range report from yesterday with her 'shootin' buddy.'

Standing By tells the plain truth--there is no reason to apologize for Hiroshima.  I agree 100%.

GunRights4Us says that 1913 was a really bad year for America.  Yep.  Read the reason why.

From the Barrel of a Gun states that he is sick and tired of having to listen to all this gay marriage crap.

Every Blade of Grass shows off his Harbor Freight Toolbox Combo.

Days of our Trailers has some neat photos of 'shooty fun with the family.'

Alphecca notes that is sponsoring a young NASCAR aspirant who is quite a racer even at his tender age.

Pam Geller alerts us to the fact that the Obama-led scheme to bypass the Electoral College is quickly gaining steam. 

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