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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Second Amendment News Roundup for 5/27/2010

All guns and politics, from the best gun-rights-and-liberty bloggers on the Internet!

David Codrea provides yet another example of anti-gun shenanigans on the part of those the NRA gave an 'A' rating.

Western Rifle Shooters Association has essential reading on 'civil rights and total war.'

Kurt Hofmann reports the story of a Chicago man who saved his entire family from murder with an 'illegal' handgun.

Conservative Libertarian Outpost explains why Obama's deployment of 1200 troops to the southern border is simply window dressing and politics rather than an attempt to actually curb illegal immigration.

Brigid has what can only be described as the MUST-read of the entire month on fear, elections, mortality, faith, and taking action.  It is simply great.  Read it!

Mike McCarville posts another fantastic read entitled, 'The State is Always Watching You.'

Jennifer III recommends a book to anyone interested in the growing dangers of a centralized government that's raging out of control.

Pax Parabellum blogs on 'rifle lust.'  A good read!

Texas Fred posts an interesting read concerning Obama's 'transformation of America.'

From Tam: 'Spend the Stolen Money Wisely, Please.'

Way Up North has news from Alaska, including an update on the pipeline oil spill.

GunRights4US posts a great story concerning a government school teacher who was taken for a much deserved 'trip to the woodshed.'


Home on the Range said...

Thanks for the link, but you always have such a great collection here, this column is becoming a "must read" for many folks.

Welshman said...

Thank-you, Brigid. Very nice of you to say.