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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Second Amendment News Roundup for 5/13/2010

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest regarding firearms rights, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Texas Fred reports that weapons have been stolen from a police firing range in Chicago--you know, where citizens don't have the Constitutional right to arms for self-protection.

Days of our Trailers posts 'Defending the Defenseless.'

David Codrea writes about the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty.

Vanderboegh says he is sick and tired of all of the blogosphere BS and may take a break for a while.  I hope not!

Western Rifle Shooters Association shows us that the 'boot is on the throats' of the people (Obama's Press Secretary Robert Gibbs used those exact words), but the people have recourse.  He also quotes a sobering warning from the late, great Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

Conservative Libertarian Outpost reports that some hair brained Pentagon General wants to give what the blogger refers to as 'the pussy award' to 'those who exercise restraint on the battlefield.'  So, it has come down to this in the la-la-land world of Barack Obama.  First thing you know he'll have the military wearing pink, taking ballet classes, and eating quiche.

Tam blogs on her most prized book in her collection--'A Textbook of Automatic Pistols.'

Standing By gives Atlanta columnist Cynthia Tucker a tongue-lashing over her views concerning guns and terrorists.

Pamela Geller, one of our most favorite bloggers/columnists/speakers, is a guest on Sean Hannity's national radio show!

John Jacob H has 2 open letters to 2 of the most prominent figures in the gun rights movement today, Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin.

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