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Saturday, April 10, 2010

When Armies Are Unleashed Against Citizens--2 Pages of ObamaCare Bill

A new analysis of a provision within the ObamaCare law is raising serious questions concerning the intent and legality of the bill.

Full documentation, including videos, are provided at Conservative Examiner.

I admit that I was skeptical of the suspicions of the ObamaCare provision and funding for a 6000-person 'private army' of physicians to be trained by and serve under the military.  It seemed to me that the provision pertains only to a quick government response to a national healthcare emergency.

But when I thoroughly considered Judge Andrew Napolitano's analysis of the provision, along with its obvious and troubling Constitutional violations, I now believe that these suspicions are justified.


Anonymous said...

...I see why you and the good Judge N are so concerned... clearly these two pages do not fall within the 'norms'of current constitutional law;and conjoined with all of the other overreaching power grabs by this usurper and his make-it-up-as-we-go-along followers further illustrate the extent to which they seek to impose absolute global tyranny, and are seeking to establish military powers against U.S. civilians... Time to clean house quickly or we all shall be their prey...

tjbbpgobIII said...

Never, never look at just one of his hands or one side of his mouth. He's either lying or fixin' to tell one as soon as he can get his mouth open and the teleprompter running.