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Saturday, April 03, 2010

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Smears 2nd Amendment March

If you are a faithful reader of The Liberty Sphere and other pro-gun blogs, then you know about the upcoming Second Amendment March on April 19 on the banks of the Potomac in Washington, DC.

But as David Codrea reports, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, who of course is no friend of conservatives or any individual right for that matter, is smearing the march and its participants.

My theory as to the motive is that in one accord this week, the Left launched a carefully crafted, concerted smear campaign against ALL conservatives and libertarians, accusing them of being violent, teabagging, racist, treasonous subversives who are all members of militias that at any moment may haul off and blow up Washington.

Obama himself joined in the smear.

We can expect this as the tactic of the tyrants who have invaded our government from here on in.  ANYONE who dares criticize 'the Chosen One' is to branded as a dangerous extremist, when in actuality Marxists have murdered more people in the world than ANY ONE ELSE in history!


Anonymous said...

good one... your a good laugh!

Welshman said...

That was no joke. 100 million people were murdered by Marxists during the 20th century. Nothing funny about that.

Anonymous said...

Rachel Maddow is a smear, herself.