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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Second Amendment News Roundup for 3/31/2010

Focusing on guns, politics and news of interest pertaining to firearms rights, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Mike McCarville reports that the Oklahoma 'guns in cars' bill has passed through a House committee to advance.

Alphecca reports that 'the Bastard' is once again pushing Obama for more gun control.

JR at A Keyboard and a .45 is blogging again, I am happy to say.  Here he gives us a pertinent quote on our present dilemma.

GunRights4US blasts the NRA today, and I can only say I fully agree.  And this is not even to mention that the NRA's support for Democrats who pushed ObamaCare, Cap and Trade, and other Marxist measures  will obliterate firearms rights for all eventually.  This is the consequence of negotiating with the anti-rights crowd.

Standing By blogs on the immorality of ObamaCare.

Western Rifle Shooters Association has news on the April 19 gathering at the Potomac--'bring your sidearms and longarms to the banks of the Potomac!'

David Codrea writes about a Federal Judge's peculiar ruling on the D.C. gun case and wonders if key evidence was left out.

Kurt Hofmann notes that the anti-gun bigots are exploiting the Hutaree militia hysteria to gain support for an 'assault weapons ban.'

Conservative Libertarian Outpost sends out an urgent GOA alert concerning Obama's latest push to appoint an anti-gunner to the Federal bench.

Robb Allen posts important reading on the anti-rights crowd and why they are wrong about the restrictions placed against those on the 'no fly list.'

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