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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Obama Throws Conservatives a Bone, Expects Support

The liar in chief is at it again, giving yet another speech on healthcare that is so full of untruths that Satan himself would be proud.

Read my assessment at Conservative Examiner.

Using the Alinsky method of saying one thing yet doing another, Obama threw conservatives a bone or two while at the same time clinging stubbornly to his 2 trillion dollar government takeover of healthcare.

Is it time for 'Operation Consequence' yet?

1 comment:

Wsmith said...

There is a saying south of the border; Silver or lead. As a bible reader I tend to think in terms of Judas when I think of compromising for silver. Although I don't see the benefit to conservatives to jump on a sinking boat.

The lead of course is the Nuke option or Congressional Mob rule. I think I've read just about everything when Democrats hold up as "greatness" Bush because reconciliation happened during his Presidency.

Reality is our greatest leaders warned against the tyranny of the majority and created 2/3 rds requirement to block such tyranny.