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Friday, February 26, 2010

Second Amendment News Roundup for 2/26/2010

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Texas Fred gives us the bottom line on the healthcare summit yesterday.

From Conservative Libertarian Outpost: 'Obama Threatening to Pass Anti-Gun Healthcare by Cheating.'

David Codrea, in light of Bill O'Reilly's contention that it's ok for government to suspend rights in an emergency, asks, 'How Did Bill O'Reilly-approved 'Gun Control' Work Out at New Orleans Bridge?' A Must Read.

Kurt Hofmann adds his commentary to the New Orleans debacle that O'Reilly claims is just hunky-dorey.

Western Rifle Shooters Association has the chilling scoop on why the stock and bond market is on very shaky ground.

MOWCA points out that basically all the elements are in place for the 'great O' to be a totalitarian dictator, and he as much as said so yesterday at the healthcare summit.'

John Jacob H provides an update to the story reported recently that an anti-gun Democrat politician in North Carolina shot an intruder at his home.

Alphecca has great reading on the Toyota flap in Congress--you know, the body that now owns GM and Chrysler and has been bought off by the UAW, which Toyota does not allow?

Pax Parabellum shows us quite an interesting sign along a highway that gives the real meaning of the word 'change' these days.

Nicki blogs on the subject of 'free market solutions.'

The Newbius Papers posts some important gun information from the state of Virginia. Go look.

Tam reports interesting news from CNN that their new poll shows most Americans view their government as a major threat to their liberties.

Way Up North has a legislative update from the state of Alaska. I'm always interested in what's going on up there since Alaska is a liberty-oriented state, especially regarding guns.

Walls of the City found some information about 'home-grown 1911s.'

Days of our Trailers got the heck outta Dodge and reports on his venture into nature.

The Wandering Minstrel says he got some news that reinforced his belief that he needs to flee the state of Kalifornistan to territory that is friendlier to individual rights.

Dustin's Gun Blog reports that the Tea Party has responded to the relentless, insulting smears of that sorry excuse for a human being, Keith Olbermann.

Say Uncle points to info on how to buy and register a handgun in Washington, DC.

Sebastian reports that the ATF has seized airsoft guns.

It's Friday, and that means it's WEASEL TIME from The Ol' Broad. After a week like this, we need a bit of humor to start off the weekend. Enjoy...

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