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Monday, February 08, 2010

Second Amendment News Roundup for 2/8/2010

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Sebastian reports that U.S. Congressman John Murtha, D-Pennsylvania, is dead following complications from gall bladder surgery. He was 77 and had been a supporter of gun rights. The post provides several good links to the story as well.

Brigid has another entry from her trip to Ireland, with lots of photos, which show that driving in some parts of the country is simply dangerous.

David Codrea calls our attention to armed assaults by cops in bars and the lack of clear-headed thinking in these situations.

Vanderboegh reports that Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership has blasted the NRA for elbowing itself into the McDonald case. This is worth the time to read.

Conservative Libertarian Outpost shows why the Obama 2011 budget is a case of epic failure.

Kurt Hofmann issues an urgent plea for gun owners to make their voices heard in the Illinois state capital.

Days of our Trailers also posts this expose on the mentality of gun control legislators in Illinois.

Texas Fred takes apart a writer who claims that Mexico is not as deadly as it was 10 years ago. I smell something rotten in that statement too. The drug lords have made it infinitely more deadly both for Mexico AND the U.S.!

Tam blogs on various and sundry pistols, including Colt, Remington, and S & W.

Way Up North reports on his morning at the shooting range.

Nicki comments on the fact that the scientist in the middle of the Climategate scandal says he wanted to commit suicide.

Standing By asks an excellent question--'How Many Guns are Enough?'

The Newbius Papers provides the quote of the day.

From Say Uncle: 'State of Emergency: Ban Gun Sales, Carry.' Important reading!

John Jacob H posts a video from the town in NC that suspended the Constitution...because of a...snowstorm.

Pax Parabellum reports news on the Census and wonders if gov't has any sense.

Free in Idaho quotes from an observer of the economy who says, 'The world has never seen a crash of this magnitude.'

21 Guns Salute offers up must-read commentary on an potential 'early valentine gift' from the federal government.

Alphecca reports interesting news that a bill in West Virginia would allow concealed carry without a license.

Traction Control posts a previously-unseen amateur video of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster...interesting.

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