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Thursday, February 04, 2010

Second Amendment News Roundup for 2/4/2010

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Vanderboegh has a vital link to an article on preparing for civil unrest--something growing more important by the day as we head toward financial collapse.

GunRights4US explains one of the many reasons why the nation's public school system is in shambles and is a dangerous place for kids to be.

The Wandering Minstrel displays a graphic that shows gun laws state-by-state. Very informative!

Say Uncle provides links to the story on the IRS buying shotguns for the purpose of collecting taxes.

Robb Allen makes an excellent point concerning cops-gone-bad and druggies.

Brigid blogs on 'tall, dark, and handsome' from Ireland. It's not what you think.

Free in Idaho takes Glenn Reynolds to task for his comment about Baptists.

Dark Blog posts an important read on the Chicago gun case entitled, 'Pragmatism.'

Roberta X comments on the failure of Congress to fund NASA's job to keep watch out for flying things in the universe that could wipe out all of civilization.

Kurt Hofmann exposes Delaware's plan to disarm the poor.

Conservative Libertarian Outpost reports that Obama will, indeed, turn over the management of the Internet to foreign entities. What a big surprise. Goodbye to American ingenuity and sovereignty.

Days of our Trailers informs us about the tight political races in Illinois, which are key.

Notoriously Conservative opines that it's a mistake for the Tea Party to form a 'third party.' Take a look at his reasoning.

CarTeachO has a great read on 'the morality of self-defense.'

David Codrea posts an article that delves into the controversy surrounding the Austin Gun Show, and he wonders if we are being told the whole story behind it. I doubt it, given the players.

The Stiletto has 'the other shoe drops,' as she comments on some of the latest news developments, including the terror trials in New York.

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