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Monday, February 01, 2010

Part 2--Assesssing Conservative Presidential Candidates

Now we come to Part 2 in my new series at Conservative Examiner--Assessing Conservative Presidential Candidates.

In this article we examine Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, and Tim Pawlenty.

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PolyKahr said...


Congratulations on now being the National Conservative Examiner. A well deserved promotion.

Good series so far. As you know, I like Palin. She is smart, common sense down to earth. I don't know that I could convince anyone else to vote for her as Pres. though.But I have to say, of those mentioned so far, she's the one I would vote for.


Welshman said...

Thank-you, my friend. And yes, I like Palin too.