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Tuesday, January 05, 2010

What The Citizens Need to Do: The Next Level of Protest

Obviously, the rising chorus of anger and protest among the citizens have been met by a deaf ear on the part of our elected officials in Washington.

What are we to do now?

Columbia Conservative Examiner presents an idea, along with a long litany of reasons why such a massive protest with teeth is sorely needed...and SOON!

Time is running out.


10ksnooker said...

I agree with you basically, but not sure you are not underestimating the effects of tea party protests showing up at campaign events protesting the Marxists. This will cause major disruption of their campaigns.

I completely agree the debate is over, progressives are Marxist, Fascists whatever you want to call them -- They are tyrannical in nature.

Check the days news, we tea party folk ran Crist's Greer off in Florida today and are planning a big push for Rubio soon and in the fall.

Welshman said...

You comment has some merit, I will admit. The Tea Parties have had their effect, although NOT with the politicians in Washington, who continue to do what they've intended in spite of the protests.

Now, there is no doubt in my mind that, unless the Obamanoids steal the elections this year, the Tea Parties will result in major changes in Congress.