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Monday, January 25, 2010

Second Amendment News Roundup for 1/25/2010

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Tam celebrated a birthday yesterday. Go wish her a good one, if you haven't already. (H/t to Brigid).

GunRights4US purchased a new shotgun with a barrel shroud--something the antis have fits over. Read his excellent commentary on the barrel shroud as a safety device.

Kurt Hofmann alerts us to a ridiculous new twist to the 'gun show loophole' laws.

From John Jacob H: 'SHOT Show Arrests Redux--the Murky World of Import/Export.'

Say Uncle posts an important update from the NRA on the Chicago gun case.

Nicki provides a story that should explain why so many of us have nothing but utmost disdain for Marxists.

From David Codrea: 'Why Has the NYPD Disarmed a 'Hero Detective'?'

David also has THIS from Paul Davis that qualifies as the shocking MUST-read of the day. A strange flyer has been circulating in gun stores from the FBI that is some cause for concern.

Vanderboegh shares comments from a new reader who opines on his previous posts and makes some observations concerning Intel and a gun show.

Western Rifle Shooters Association has a sobering analysis of the economy from the great Karl Denninger.

Conservative Libertarian Outpost reports that the Democrats are moving full steam ahead with their plans for blanket amnesty for illegal aliens. Read it all.

The Rustmeister informs us that the mass murderer 'Chemical Ali' has been executed in Iraq.

Texas Fred comments on Obama's 'new initiatives for the middle class.'

Sebastian reports that pipe smokers are the next target for the nanny-state scumbags who feel the need to tell people what to eat, what to drive, what to wear, and how to wipe their ass.

Roberta X has more on the nanny-state vermin. Can you tell I am royally PISSED at this latest attack on smokers' rights?

Robb Allen provides an update on ammo stock and prices as offered by a reader who needs to unload it. Good deals there!

From Pax Parabellum: 'Saying Good-Bye to a Cold Warrior.'

The Newbius Papers shows us 'the things a politician will never say.'

Standing By warns that malls are the present target in the latest Jihad alert. Be careful my friends.

Armed Citizen says that the Supreme Court has upheld the First Amendment. Agreed!

Alphecca points to a rundown on the latest gun bills proposed in the state of Maryland.

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