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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 12/31/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

David Codrea reports an interesting story in the news concerning Compton's 'gift cards for guns' program.

Vanderboegh has more on the 'window war' concept and provides a history and answers a few questions about it.

From Western Rifle Shooters Association: 'Serfdom Versus Liberty in 2010.'

Kurt Hofmann highlights an online ammo retailer who is making a good reputation as a principled businessman.

Tam posts a video that will help us end the year with a bang.

The great Walter Williams, my favorite intellectual, filled in for Rush Limbaugh today and has an update on El Rushbo's condition following heart attack-type symptoms.

Mike McCarville, one of the most respected reporters-commentators in the nation, provides a new installment of his always-delightful 'Gadfly on the Wall' series where he comments on a variety of issues.

Texas Fred comments on Obama's plans to naturalize millions of illegal aliens in 2010--wow, just in time for the upcoming elections...

Days of our Trailers says that even after SCOTUS made it clear the 2nd Amendment refers to an INDIVIDUAL right, Chicago still clings to the notion that it is a 'collective right.'

Way Up North has some spot-on commentary on politics and other items for the New Year.

Say Uncle provides more discussion on the pocket-holster issue.

Sebastian comments on the open carry issue arising from Uncle's link to a post that seems to say that it's a bad idea.

Breda sounds the alarm on what the TSA is going to do now as a result of the terrorist attack in Detroit. And make no mistake, my friends, we were ATTACKED. The fact that no one was injured or killed is due to the heads-up actions of CITIZENS aboard the flight, who responded to the bombs the terrorist set off. The fact that these bombs were defective does not diminish one iota that we were ATTACKED.

GunRights4US reports that 'the other side's play book has been revealed.' Take a look.

And now, my friends, to end the old year and ring in the new with some much-needed humor, the Ol' Broad provides the finest political cartoons on algore's internets. Take a look and get your funny bone tickled. Happy New Year!


Rev. Paul said...

Happy new year to you & yours, sir. Thank you for all you do - I appreciate the time you spend scouring the news for us. It's deeply appreciated.

Welshman said...

Happy New Year, Paul! And thanks.