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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 12/8/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Brigid has an excellent and informative piece on surviving in a disaster. Loads of helpful information that could well save your life in a worst-case scenario.

Texas Fred has news on a killer in Ohio who is slated to be executed using only 1 drug--a first.

Breda says that tonight on Gun Nuts Radio there is going to be a bunch of babe-guests...women shooters who should light up the show for a while.

Nicki provides excellent reading on the climate-gate scandal entitled, 'Hypocrisy of Hypocrisies.'

David Codrea interviews Max Lemus, the producer of the gun documentary, 'Not Without a Fight.'

Tam hits the nail on the head with this brief, to-the-point, and accurate comment! Read it!

Robb Allen talks about the battle between the guns.

Say Uncle has a post on 'doctors and guns.'

Sebastian has a post on 'Little Chucky' Schumer and guns--and it seems this backfired on the Senator. Good!

Pax Parabellum comments on the news that right now Tea Party candidates are out-polling Republicans in the electorate.

It's good to see Mike Vanderboegh posting again after a bout with his health. Read his latest at the link.

Kurt Hofmann has the latest news on campus disarmament at Colorado State University.

Open Carry posts a special 'legislative action alert' for Wisconsin.

Walls of the City presents a MUST-read entitled, 'If the First Amendment was treated like the Second...' Read it all.

Days of our Trailers reports news on yet another parolee who commits murder. This is getting ridiculous.

Western Rifle Shooters Association has another MUST-read for today, which shows some highly disturbing stuff going on with regard to elections and voter influence-peddling.

From Free in Idaho: '12 Degrees and Ducks.'

Way Up North has a Monday-in-the-afternoon in Alaska.

The Newbius Papers issues a timely warning concerning Obama's address to the nation tonight. Yep, 'O' is taking to the airwaves yet again.

Standing By notes that as the great 'global warming hoax' continues to unravel, those with a vested interest in keeping the hoax alive are doubling down.

Alphecca blogs on 'Lego Guns,' pics included.

Mike McCarville has designed the U.S. Postal Service as 'the Grinch Against the Troops.' Take a look at what they are doing in Oklahoma City with the care packages to the troops.

Pam Geller reports a historic event, or non-event, is happening at the White House. For the first time in history, this President is planning a non-religious Christmas, and there will be no Christmas gifts for the Obama children.

The Wandering Minstrel posts an informative graph that depicts media suppression of the climate-gate story. The state-run media is determined to bury the truth!

Take a look at THESE guns over at Traction Control.

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