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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank a Veteran Today

We often honor and memorialize those Veterans, living and deceased, with special days during the year. We have parades, special events, and food. Speeches are given extolling the virtues of those who give of their time and energy, placing their lives on the line, for liberty.

But when it comes down to our personal lives, what, exactly, have we done to show a Veteran how much we appreciate them?

You have heard of 'take a Vet to lunch' day. Perhaps you could take a Vet to dinner tonight? Some Vets are unmarried and lonely. Do it. Call one up and tell them you will pick them up and take them to a nice restaurant for a free meal.

But more importantly, tell a Vet how much you appreciate their service to our country. I will guarantee you that they don't hear such appreciation nearly enough.

Remember, on Memorial Day we memorialize those Veterans who are deceased. Today, on Veteran's Day, we HONOR those who are LIVING. Do it. It will make you feel better about yourself.

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