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Monday, November 30, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 11/30/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

David Codrea has a most important read today on the fact that the union, SEIU, wants Americans disarmed. Why? David examines the answers.

Mike Vanderboegh needs our prayers. He is now in the hospital in Birmingham, where his heart condition is being evaluated.

Kurt Hofmann reports that 'the Bastard's' anti-gun policies in NYC are racist.

Western Rifle Shooters Association provides all of the info on the national Second Amendment March, which will take place in D.C. on April 19, 2010.

Conservative Libertarian Outpost reports that the cult of Obama is now coming apart at the seams. It's about time!

Texas Fred comments on the shooting in Washington State, which left 4 police officers dead.

Way Up North has 'Sunday's Sermon' on the stupidity of failing to call a spade a spade, especially with regard to 'terrorism.' And he has a perfect example from the Russian train bombing that highlights the double-standard of the state-run media (SRM).

Standing By has more on the 'climate-gate' scandal, showing that the whole thing from the start was a sham that has practically destroyed the credibility of science as it is communicated by major scientists.

CNS reminds us that the Senate opens debate on the ominous ObamaCare-PelosiCare-Reidcare legislation TODAY.

Mike McCarville reports that the latest poll show Rush Limbaugh to be the most influential conservative voice in America.

Free in Idaho has a great read on liberty and responsibility.

GunRights4US provides essential reading on the coming of a new Caesar--the result of decades of 'progressive thinking' that has led us to the brink of totalitarianism.

Tam comments on ammo prices and thinks it may be time to crank up the reloading press.

The Newbius Papers finally got a blog-meet set up for those in Northern Virginia.

Days of our Trailers says that no matter who the GOP and the Democrats choose to run for Illinois Governor, supporters of the Second Amendment are going to get screwed.

The Rustmeister posts a load of info on guns, ammo, prices, availability, etc, etc. Take a look.

Say Uncle alerts us to yet another newspaper that dares to publish the names of concealed carry permit holders. You know what to do.

Sebastian has the latest news on the assault weapons ban and the Obama Administration.

Ride Fast and Shoot Straight provides extremely important reading on the growing militarization of the nation's law enforcement agencies. Folks, this is dreadfully serious!

Michelle Malkin shows us that now that Christmas season is here, it's open season yet again on the holiday by those who are determined to rid the society of this significant period not just for Christians but our entire Judeo-Christian culture.

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