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Thursday, November 05, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 11/5/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Notoriously Conservative has an excellent article showing how gays are going about it all wrong on the gay marriage thing. I agree. Gays lose the support of many heterosexuals like me because they claim they wish for government to 'leave them alone' yet push for government power. If we are going to be 'libertarian,' then that means keep the government out of our personal lives.

Brigid provides excellent reading as always, this one entitled, 'Into the Blue.' Take a look.

Meeting on the Green gives us an extremely important reminder. He who has eyes to see, let him see.

Armed Citizen posts an excellent primer on the enormous costs of public education, particularly since we started the dreaded U.S. Department of Education under Jimmy Carter. It should be abolished.

Kurt Hofmann has an absolute must-read on the war on the privacy of gun owners.

Vanderboegh informs us of something that should be of grave concern to most Americans!

Western Rifle Shooters Association has TWO vital pieces of reading today:
1. The great Karl Denninger interprets the actions of the Fed today.
2. A warning about 2011-2012 when the debt comes due...fasten your safety belts.

Texas Fred takes to task Kay Bailey Hutchison on her latest actions.

Walls of the City comments on the fact that more highly disturbing videos have emerged showing school children singing praise and worship songs to Barack Obama. LOOK AT THIS!!

From Days of our Trailers: the Henigan hypocrisy on guns.

David Codrea asks the question, 'Does the Padilla Shooting Mean Athletes Must Swear Off Guns?'

has an informative post on 'custom ARs.'

Ride Fast and Shoot Straight says that a new service called 'GunPal' is a good alternative to PayPal for gun owners.

Alphecca reports that Canada has taken an important first step toward restoring gun rights in that country.

And for a bit of Obama humor, a new blog I ran across (at least for the Roundup), An American Idiot, has a good one on Al Gore, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama on judgment day.

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