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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Seven Declarations of Liberty

These are the essentials, the bare-bones foundational precepts describing what liberty is all about.

Read them today at Columbia Conservative Examiner.

We are desperately overdue a reclaiming of these basic precepts.


Steven M Nielson said...

Excellent article... Let's go ahead and send a copy of that to be read on the house and senate floors... actually, the foundation of the buildings might just crack if such words were actually spoken in those halls!

Thanks for writing!

Welshman said...
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Welshman said...

Thank-you, my friend. I would certainly not be opposed to my stuff being read on the floors of Congress. It might strike fear in the hearts of the charlatans while cheering on the Patriots, who, unfortunately, are few in those Halls at present.

Myriam van Antwerpen said...

What you claim is so true and perfectly logical. How did it come to this I wonder, take for instance the EU. I live in Belgium (the heart of the EU) and it is more of a communist organization than anything else. In Belgium it is so bad that after elections, if the right wing wins such as happened in the past with 35% of the votes(we have many political parties)the other leftists parties all get together and form a coalition. Anything from the right and for freedom is squelched by the communist bureaucrats. We even have a law "to protect minorities"!!!! This means that any decisiion made by the majority in Belgium can be stopped by the minority under the aspect of being in conflict with their interests. This is a sure way for everything to stagnate. The situation is really bad. Another example the EU "needs" a constitution. In some countries (those which allowed it) there was a referendum where the people could vote on it. They voted no. The procedure then is to brainwash some more and a year or so later have another referendum such as happened in Ireland where this time they voted yes.
More and more there are less people who see through it all and realise what is happening. I can only hope more will do so soon, otherwise we will be lost.

Welshman said...


I have been quite distressed over what had been happening in the EU for quite some time now. It seems that there are forces as work, from radical Islam to Leftwing extremists, who are determined to impose an agenda on the population. Switzerland, God bless them, as been holding out as long as they could, but even they have been under intense assault from the Leftists who are seeking to remove their firearms rights and independence from the EU.

It is truly sad and frightening, and you good people who fight for liberty are in our thoughts and prayers.


Myriam van Antwerpen said...

I and many others are worried too but not enough people yet. Our freedoms are stripped away little by little like peeling an onion. You should read an aricle on this site :
"When in Europe Watch What You Say – EU Attempts to Restrict Free Speech. Media Missing in Action"

Welshman said...

Myriam, thanks for the alert.

And you are right. The movement to strip people of their rights is world-wide and well-organized. Part of it involves radical Islam. Another is the U.N. Yet another is the 'progressive movement' that is pushing government domination of populations all over the world. The end game? To keep people 'under control.'

We are living in very dangerous times--the most dangerous since the days prior to WWII.