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Friday, October 16, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 10/16/09 (LATE EDITION)

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

From Gun Rights Examiner: 'Gun Rights Documentary Film Maker Shares Travel Experiences.'

Sipsy Street Irregulars provides 2 excellent MUST-reads: first, there is this riveting article on the necessity for armed confrontation with government tyrants who initiate violence on citizens, and second, the blogger supplies the lost chapters of his novel, along with info on resuming the completion of the work.

Western Rifle Shooters Association gives us the last-minute info on the nationwide protests TOMORROW against CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC--the 'state-run media' (SRM).

Open Carry has a good rundown on all the latest news on guns in America.

Way Up North shares with us an important read entitled, 'Why I Carry a Gun.'

Conservative Libertarian Outpost reports the outrage that Obama did, indeed, reverse U.S. opposition to the U.N. Arms Treaty, thus trashing our Constitution and giving up U.S. sovereignty. This President and this Administration are lower than pond scum, and you can quote me on that.

Standing By writes a defense of Rush Limbaugh against the slanderous, libelous attacks from the Left regarding his recent attempt to become a minority owner of the St. Louis Rams.

Nicki comments on the 'zero tolerance' policy in schools that has led to some ridiculous ramifications.

Kurt Hofmann reports that at least some members of Congress wish to expand available shooting opportunities.

Brigid muses on the significance of names, and one example is that of various firearms.

Alphecca says that America's darkest hours are ahead. Take a look for his reasoning.

GunRights4US compares/contrasts conservative vs. liberal. Interesting take.

Pax Parabellum has 'the truth about government-run healthcare'--a MUST-see video.

The Wandering Minstrel relays some guns and ammo stories--'Arizona Style.'

Tam adds her comments to the discussion on the top 5 rifles as discussed earlier in the week on Gun Nuts Radio.

Days of our Trailers posts an interesting read on growing up in a rural area and his favorite shooting spot.

Walls of the City announces a special upcoming 2nd Amendment rally sponsored by Ronnie Barrett.

The Rustmeister has the good news and the bad news concerning an anti-gun Mayor.

Texas Fred provides commentary on Anita Dunn, the Marxist admirer of Mao Tse Tung, who serves as Obama's Communications Director.

Around O Town speculates on the question, 'Who Would You Bet on Winning This Fight?'

And now, my friends, the moment you've all been waiting for--it's WEASEL TIME--the best political cartoons on the Internet, courtesy of The Ol' Broad. She has TWO features for today, here and here. Enjoy...

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