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Monday, October 19, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 10/19/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

David Codrea tells us about an LA Times piece on guns that simply defies reality. Take a look.

Mike Vanderboegh has 3 absolute MUST-reads:
1. Oath Keepers Pledge to Prevent Dictatorship in the U.S.
2. Photos from the citizen protest against CNN in Atlanta.
3. 'Welcome to You Bedwetting Little Green Footballs Schmucks'

Western Rifle Shooters Association wants to know 'where the hell is the outrage!?'

Conservative Libertarian Outpost posts one heck of a response to the Leftists via video. Be sure to watch it all.

Maddened Fowl has a brief but informative post on 'being prepared.'

From John Jacob H: 'Traffic Stops and Other Police Encounters Tutorial.'

Every Blade of Grass provides a great read on what happens in a disaster should all normal means of communication be render useless. The answer is 'EMCOMMS.' Read it to find out all about the process.

Kurt Hofmann has, 'Not a Bright Dog, but Somewhat Amusing.'

Armed Citizen blows the whistle on the shenanigans of some House Democrats sneaking out to avoid voting on a certain issue.

Brigid presents 'the Swine Flu Love Sonnet.'

Way Up North reports that native Alaskans are calling for less interference from the federal government. Good!

Standing By asks, 'Is Obama Competent to be Commander in Chief?'

Tam posts a weekend report on some shooty goodness at the range.

Pax Parabellum notes that while Obama focuses attention on his war on Fox News, Leftwing rags such as Newsweek go about their dirty work unnoticed.

Texas Fred weighs in on the Obama war against Fox.

Sebastian comments on some chilling stuff going on at the Federal Trade Commission regarding Internet more reason to be wary, folks--and hyper-vigilant.

Say Uncle has something that may be off-topic for the Roundup, but it makes for an interesting read on the Netbook--the 'EeePC.'

From Alphecca: 'One Shot, One Dead Mutant.'

Jennifer Weber presents 'the value of traditional values.'

Walls of the City posts some great gun pics from the '2nd or None' Rally this weekend.

Ride Fast and Shoot Straight has an important read, entitled, 'The Irony of Government-Think.'

Breda has an interesting take on 'gun dreams.' Now, if we listen to that bimbo I told you about earlier, we would have to assume that anytime one dreams about a gun, that gun is a phallic symbol. But, since my view is that such a notion is pure bullshit, we'll let Breda explain her take on it.

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