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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Part 3--Essential Concepts

Today we examine how the Framers guarded against mob rule democracy by inserting safeguards into the Constitution.

Columbia Conservative Examiner has this 3rd in the series on 'essential concepts.'

Please read it and pass it along!


PolyKahr said...


Good series of articles. The Electoral College is, of course, one of the bullwarks of our system. Without it, the Presidency would likely become a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat party. It has been estimated that without it, a mere 5 or 6 cities could select the President of the United States. But the Electoral College with its winner-takes-all aspect forces candidates for the office to campaign in every state in order to garner a majority of Electoral votes. It is a very wise provision of the Constitution, and we look to change it at our peril.


Welshman said...

Agreed...and thanks.