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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Obama-Emanuel Tactic Failed on Healthcare

One of the most trusted reporters/commentators in the nation, Mike McCarville, notes that the attempt of Barack Obama and top WH aide Rahm Emanuel to play 'divide and conquer' with doctors and the GOP was an utter failure.

The tactic was an all-out effort to ram the ObamaCare package through Congress by wooing moderate Republicans to the cause, and by attempting to buy off doctors by assuring them their reimbursement rates for Medicare patients will not decrease if they, in turn, support the President's ill-conceived plan.

U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, R-Oklahoma, one of the few truly conservative members of Congress, is a physician who vehemently opposes the proposals put forth in Congress to dismantle the U.S. Healthcare System. McCarville's article provides a complete report on Coburn's remarks concerning these healthcare bills.

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