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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 9/9/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Texas Fred reports that the taxpayers face HEAVY losses from the bailout of the auto industry.

Days of our Trailers posts a video that should get the juices of rage flowing. Just wait till you see who is attacking bloggers and Internet news sources.

Conservative Libertarian Outpost has a delightful post today entitled, 'How to Deal with Bankers and Big Government Types.'

CNS News reports that many of Obama's claims about healthcare have already been debunked.

Sipsy Street Irregulars says that it looks like Eric Holder is a fan of the blog. Read it all.

Vanderboegh also posts an excellent read on the meaning of 'not one more inch'--the line in the sand.

Western Rifle Shooters Association has what could well be THE single MUST-read of the YEAR. Denninger offers an alternative address to the nation's public school students, in light of Obama's address yesterday. This is top-notch stuff, folks. Don't miss a single word.

Gun Owners of America provides a very important warning about gun-grabber and extremist Cass Sunstein, one of Obama's Czars.

WSJ published Sarah Palin's excellent rebuttal to ObamaCare, even before 'O' goes before Congress tonight.

Say Uncle has a last-minute update on the Gun Bloggers Rendezvous, which begins tomorrow.

The Newbius Papers points to an excellent, key question: where the heck have Republicans been on the Czars, healthcare, the Constitution, and other issues????

Tam blogs on some weird hunting regulations.

Breda posts the quote of the day that reminds us of who feels kinship with our illustrious Dear Leader.

David Codrea says that even ATF employees are fed up with corruption and incompetence in the organization, and then his 2nd Gun Rights Examiner article highlights the importance for gun owners to support Danny Tarkanian for the Senate.

Alphecca presents some good advice from a cop on the subject of guns.

Gun Nuts has the recap and downloads from last night's edition of Gun Nuts Radio.

Brigid provides good reading, as always, entitled, 'Collateral Carry.'

1 With a Bullet issues an important action alert concerning knife rights. The nanny state not only thinks we kiddies are too dumb to have guns but knives as well.

Around O Town says we're all still waiting for the hope, but instead we get THIS...take a look!

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