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Monday, September 21, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 9/21/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Texas Fred reports that the Joe Wilson shout could reverberate all the way to next November. Let's hope so!

Insight on Freedom comments on the ominous news of Obama's consideration of a bailout of failing newspapers.

Mike McCarville, our friend out in Oklahoma, and probably the most trustworthy reporter-commentator in the nation today, knows a good article when he sees one! LOL. Thanks, Mike, for all you do.

David Codrea has 3 must-reads today at Gun Rights Examiner here, here, and here. Read 'em all and stay informed! In fact, ANY citizen who wishes to stay informed should read Codrea's stuff.

Sebastian notes that the day is coming when science will render small, conventional arms useless. What then?

Vanderboegh presents an explosive report involving the Oklahoma City bombing, David Gregory, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama. Read it all.

Western Rifle Shooters Association has the latest video from Denniger in which he ties it all together concerning the economy.

Say Uncle updates us on 'The Bastard's' Mayors Against Guns, which has lost 50 members in just 2 weeks.

The MOWCA Blog writes on 'Putin's Man in Washington.' And it's NOT who you think!

John Jacob H reports the enraging news that UNC-Chapel Hill has fired a professor because he carries a gun. Sheeesh. And people wonder why I refer to North Carolina as the California of the South.

Pax Parabellum provides commentary on the 70th anniversary of the German and Russian invasion of Poland--the very day that President Dumbo pulled the rug out from under Poland by cancelling plans for the nuclear missile shield for Eastern Europe. And don't believe the irony was lost on the Polish public!

Tam posts her observations on some bad omens regarding U.S. foreign policy. Take a look!

Way Up North has some random stuff for a Monday, including an important quote from Ronald Reagan. Read it.

The Wandering Minstrel presents a pictorial of target practice yesterday.

The Black Sphere, always an excellent, provocative read, critiques Jimmy Carter from the perspective of a black man. Take a look.

Days of our Trailers shows us a special announcement from Virginia Tech, which has loaded up its special panel with anti-gun bigots.

1 comment:

PolyKahr said...

Re:JohnJacobH posting, as I live here in Raleigh, NC, I have been trying to decide whether NC is the Kalifornia of the South, or the Taxechussets of the South, but clearly it is one of those. In any case, North Carolina is, unfortunately, a real nanny state.

A bummed out