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Saturday, August 15, 2009

State-Run Media and the SPLC

Anyone who has read this blog over the past 3 and a half years knows how I feel about the 'Southern Poverty Law Center' of Alabama. It is a sham of an operation that engages in race-baiting hysteria and the systematic propagation of lies against conservatives.

Here is something that should heighten your interest:

Look, ABC is state-run media, just like Pravda in the Soviet Union. Back then, the juxtaposition of stories on the front page always meant something. If they put a story about CIA spies next to an innocuous one about a member of the Presidium visiting Africa, you just knew that next year, whatever else happened, that guy was NOT going to have his dacha by the lake anymore.

Likewise, as the empire crumbled, disaffected typesetters or editors could put stories next to each other that, taken together, presented information damaging to the regime.

So, what is ABC, or one of its employees, trying to tell us here?


Nothing could be plainer! What else can explain such deep-seated paranoia? SPLC has been jumping at illusory boogeymen for years, seeing "racist terrorists" where there were none, exaggerating their prowess and danger when there were, claiming that their natural enemies, such as those of us in the constitutional militia movement, were supposedly their friends. I mean, real nutjobbery.

For more read the entire post at Sipsy Street Irregulars. But be very careful. Your head might explode from laughing too hard before you finish reading the piece.

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