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Saturday, August 01, 2009

If Your Concern is Really About Homegrown Terrorists...

Barack Obama and his appointees in the Department of Homeland Security claim they are 'very concerned' about 'homegrown terrorists'--Americans who engage in activity that the Obama administration considers a threat.

This would include things such as opposing abortion, demanding that the Constitution be followed, supporting candidates such as Ron Paul, being a gun owner, or attending a conservative, evangelical church.

The reason for this red herring is not far to find. Obama's closest friends and associates ARE, indeed, homegrown terrorists of a highly dangerous variety!

The great Caroline Glick has written a brand new piece that chronicles the deadly activity of 2 of Obama's closest associates--Professor Bernadine Dorhn and her husband, Professor William Ayers, who engaged in the bombing of federal buildings and the murders of citizens.

Dorhn claims that her only regret from those years was that she did not do more damage. Read the whole thing.

Perhaps now that the public is beginning to wake up to the lies and schemes of Barack Obama on several fronts, they will also show more willingness to pay attention to his dark and ominous past, which, due to their media-induced drunken hero-worship, they simply swept under the rug.

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