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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Walter Cronkite

Walter Cronkite's death brought back many memories from a bygone era in television news. As anchors go he was a cut above, then and now. And, for that I give him his due, and say, 'Rest in peace.'

However, I have seen over-the-top statements about Cronkite since his death that bear little resemblance to reality. He was not as non-partisan as people like to think. He used his position to lobby against the Viet Nam War while our troops were still in the field losing their lives, and he openly opposed Ronald Reagan from 1975 until he was elected in 1981.

No doubt Cronkite made an honest attempt to be as objective as he could, but he certainly did not always succeed, and by the last years of his career he had succumbed to the very same scourge that all talking heads on television news exhibit--the dreadful bias and slant that favors liberals.

In retirement he advocated 'one world government.'

Not exactly a great 'patriot.'

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