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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 7/22/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

David Codrea asks a vital question: 'Does the Thune amendment treat a right like a privilege?'

Codrea asks another vital question: 'Is the FBI Agent charged with illegal gun dealing just a collector?'

Seattle Gun Rights Examiner says that the outrage of liberal Democrats against national carry reciprocity on guns is terribly misplaced.

Standing By also posts an excellent read on the Thune Amendment for national concealed carry.

Say Uncle reports breaking news that the national reciprocity bill failed in the Senate. It needed 60 votes but fell 2 votes short.

The Newbius Papers comments on the failure of the bill.

Brigid is writing again after a break, I am happy to say.

Vital reading from Sipsy Street Irregulars: 'Do the people make the moral order or does the moral order make the people?'

Western Rifle Shooters Association provides essential reading and links concerning a politician's treatment of some Tea Party protesters.

Days of our Trailers has an update on the false charge that the U.S. is supplying guns to Mexican drug cartels.

Breda posts a good wrap-up, including downloads, from last night's edition of Gun Nuts Radio.

Nicki blows a gasket over the fact that 'Chairman O' didn't even know the provisions of his own healthcare bill in the Congress. I did too. In fact, this is a scumbag pure and simple...the embodiment of evil.

Tam points to 'odious New York gun control laws.'

Armed Citizen has a MOST interesting 'first quarter report on Obama' Read it all.

Alphecca reports that an NRA lawsuit in Pittsburgh was tossed on a technicality.

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