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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 6/9/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Pax Parabellum fisks the President's promises concerning jobs and compares/contrasts them with the actual facts...continued job losses.

Rev. Kharma provides an excellent must-read entitled, 'Idiots on Parade.'

Mike McCarville, one of the most respected reporters/commentators in the nation today, notes that Obama's White House press operation is a 'finely calibrated' machine. Take a look.

2A Musing has a chart that perfectly tells the story about the Obama economic stimulus plan.

Alphecca has an open forum going today on incorporating the 2nd Amendment. Go over there and read and participate!

CarteachO blogs about his range time with an old Mauser, the Yugoslavian M48B. Interesting!

Every Blade of Grass took his Kimber 22 LR conversion kit to the range on Sunday. Here is a report.

Free in Idaho posts a story that involves a drug addict, a bag of meth, and a hardware store.

'Dutch' gave quite a few memorable speeches while President, and John Jacob H has a video of one his most moving. This is President Ronald Reagan's famous speech on the 40th anniversary of D-Day, entitled, 'The Boys of Pointe du Hoc.' Our nation's young need to be taught what a President should be, and parents would do well to show them Reagan's speeches. They won't get this in the nation's public school system, that looks upon Reagan with curious disdain.

Meeting on the Green provides Part 6 of Thomas Paine's 'Common Sense.' Scroll for links to the other segments.

Conservative Libertarian Outpost comments on the sorry state of the economy and the terribly wrong-headed plan of the Administration to 'fix' it.

The Rustmeister says that Obama is 'still not getting it.' He's 100% correct. Let's hope that's what it is. If he does, indeed, 'get it,' and is doing all this stuff anyway, then that means we are dealing with the very face of evil.

Notoriously Conservative shares an interesting read concerning Obama's multinational tax policy.

Breda provides all the information on tonight's edition of Gun Nuts Radio. Tonight's program is entitled, 'Big Damn Heroes.'

David Codrea has essential reading that asks the question, 'Will the Supreme Court Incorporate the Second Amendment?'

Robb Allen writes about the state of Arizona's consideration of a bill that would allow guns in restaurants that serve alcohol.

Dustin's Gun Blog has more on the gun bill in Arizona.

Say Uncle posts an important read on states' rights and regulating commerce, an issue that is increasingly impacting gun rights. Read it all. This is a growing movement that limits the federal government's ability to regulate firearms that are made and sold exclusively within a state.

Ride Fast and Shoot Straight blogs on a dirty rotten scoundrel of a Mayor that wants a complete ban on gun ownership and possession.

Traction Control informs us of a neat website just for gun owners. Take a look!

The Wandering Minstrel is retiring...not from blogging but from his job. This is a major step in a person's life. Now we have another one we can refer to as 'the old man.' LOL! j/k

Western Rifle Shooters Association provides 'the quote of the week.' Be sure to read it.

Mike Vanderboegh has a must-read on the Tiller murder and the government's ongoing attempt to round up everyone involved in the groups of which the perpetrator was a member.

Way Up North's title of this post says it all--'Palin Rocks on Fox.'

Walls of the City says that the Commercial Appeal is having a hissy fit over the Tennessee bill that would give gun owners the right to carry in restaurants that serve alkeeeehaul.

Days of Our Trailers notes that gun activists are organizing to elect pro-Second Amendment candidates to office.

Texas Fred uses the Qur'an itself to show that Islam is NOT 'the religion of peace.'

Tam posts a little exchange she had with a gun store clerk concerning some ammo.

Sebastian has an interesting post concerning the growing tendency of female business owners to proactively step up to the plate in self-defense using firearms.

JR has been biting the bullet on the Medifast diet. Dang, man, 900 calories per day???


TexasFred said...

It really pisses the Muslims off when you use their own words against them...

Exposing hypocrisy, I love it.. :)

Welshman said...

Fred, even those Muslims who are not Jihadists could do a lot more to reign in the extremists. Out of the 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, ONE MILLION consider themselves Jihadits! That is a very large number of people.