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Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 6/3/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Mike McCarville has the quote of the day on Sotomayor, Republicans, and Democrats.

2A Musing posts a MUST-read featuring some charts that need to be closely examined. Don't pass this one up!

Kurt Hofmann presents a fine article on those who are using the murder of Tiller the Baby Killer to silence those who exercise their right to free speech in criticizing his practices.

Armed Citizen says that despite what you've heard, there is a way other than filibuster to stop the confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor using Senate rules. Take a look.

David Codrea posts a great read on a variety of gun issues, including commentary on the circuit court that ruled the Supreme Court's affirmation of gun rights doesn't apply to the states or municipalities.

Ride Fast and Shoot Straight provides info on the various goings-on at the upcoming Gun Bloggers Rendezvous in Reno.

Breda has the audio from last night's edition of Gun Nuts Radio.

The Wandering Minstrel discusses 'moving toward more affordable ammo.'

Western Rifle Shooters Association points to a discussion of how to protect your belongings and property. Take a look.

From Conservative Libertarian Outpost: 'Patriot Resistance Movement.' By the way, Sperry (the blogger) maintains that Pamela Geller is a lot better looking than either me or Texas Fred. I won't dispute that at all. In fact, Pamela is a lot better looking than most of the women I've dated. Ooooops. Don't tell anybody I said that.

Notoriously Conservative comments on Obama's recent growing tendency to be more open about his Muslim roots--something he was careful to avoid during the campaign.

Mike Vanderboegh reports the explosive news that the homegrown Muslim terrorist Jihadist who killed a military recruiter was targeting others as well. Just wait 'til you see what was on his list!

Say Uncle says that now it is the 9th circuit court that has made a stupid anti-gun ruling. Gun rights are under attack again in the courts, folks.

Sebastian has more on Sotomayor and the Second Amendment. She has some explaining to do.

Tam provides good reading she entitles, 'Random Gun Stuff.'

Pax Parabellum reports an outrage. GM (now 'Government Motors') will still be allowed to lobby the government, in spite of the fact that the government owns the darn thing.

Walls of the City has great news on a recent poll on the Second Amendment.

Brigid shares a beautifully moving must-read entitled, 'A Letter from a Daughter.' Read it all.

Meeting on the Green publishes the intro to Thomas Payne's 'Common Sense' from 1776.

CNSNews reports that the talking points from the Treasury Secretary reveal that banks for forced by the Feds to take the bailout money, placing them under government control, a move that Obama now says justifies the White House in seizing control of General Motors.


Patrick Sperry said...


I knew you would catch that Anthony! I call her another "BABE with BRAINS!" for good reason.

Here's the thing. If voting is totally unrestricted then it has no meaning. Dead people can vote. People that are in prison and are not allowed to vote can vote. ( I have issues with that though,and I'll post about it in the future when the time is right.) People that don't even exist can vote, and..? The list is endless.

On top of that would be the issue of minority rights. No, I'm not talking race but minority rights in speech, religion, and opportunity among other things.

What this ruling leads too is unadulterated mob rule. Not to mention that the "mob" may not even exist.

Thanks for your continued support of Conservative Libertarian Outpost.

Welshman said...

LOL! And I got news for ya, pal. She's even 10 times better looking than YOU!

Welshman said...

But back to your point about mob hit the nail on the head. The blatant disregard for reasonable verification of voter identificaton is a direct, frontal attack on the integrity of our elections.