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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 5/27/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

David Codrea has today's absolute MUST-read, entitled, 'Is Sotomayor Obama's Declaration of War on Gun Owners?'

Pamela Geller thoroughly vettes Sotomayor on a variety of issues.

Say Uncle comments on Sotomayor.

Tam wonders why many people are so shocked Obama would pick an anti-gun extremist for the Supreme Court. Personally I wasn't shocked. I was angry. Not only did he pick an extremist but she is arrogant, bullyish, ignorant, and racist (she said she thinks a 'wise Latino woman' can make better decisions the court than a white male).

From Kurt Hofmann: 'Suppressors (aka 'silencers') Are For Safety.'

Mike Vanderboegh notes that the Obama administration wants to change Americans' lifestyle entirely...'coercing them out of their cars.' The lunacy continues...

Western Rifle Shooters Association blogs on troubles with the dollar in a post entitled, 'What's That Burning Smell?'

Days of our Trailers says the Roland Burris-ex-Governor Blago scandal just got a lot deeper.

The Rustmeister wonders if North Korea would be this bold had McCain-Palin won the election...

Insight on Freedom posts an explosive read on the fact that Christianity in America is gradually being forced underground. Do yourself a favor and read it.

Walls of the City provides the latest update on Tennessee's anti-gun newspaper, the Commercial Appeal.

Sebastian has the latest info on the appeal to the Chicago case concerning the incorporation of the 2nd Amendment.

2A Musing posts his range report from Memorial Day.

From Free in Idaho: 'Blind Justice.'

Gun Nuts provide a summary and audio of last night's edition of Gun Nuts Radio, which featured a very special guest of national renown.

Meeting on the Green points to a most interesting read on what Obama doesn't know about the 'economy, the rain forest, and you.'

Nicki perfectly depicts D.C.'s Attorney-General in word and picture.

The Wandering Minstrel comments on a different prospective Attorney-General in a very different area of the country--Texas.

Thomas Sowell has an excellent article on 'empathy' in action. Take a look.

Alphecca reports that a college has crushed the First Amendment rights of a student organization that advocates Second Amendment rights. Read it!

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