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Monday, May 18, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 5/18/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

David Codrea alerts us to a Mexican prison break that shows their problems go much deeper than U.S. guns.

Kurt Hofmann provides excellent analysis of the Montana challenge to federal gun laws.

21 Guns Salute takes a look at the various causes of child death in the U.S. and notes that guns rank at the bottom of the list.

Dark Blog points to an excellent article that he entitles, 'The Enemy of My Enemy is Not My Friend.'

From Free in Idaho: 'A Rifle, A Laptop, and some Comments.'

John Jacob H notes that the AARP is just another gun-grabbing organization. This is one of the reasons I hate these so-called 'advocacy groups' and most unions. They are nothing more than leftwing political organizations posing as helping their members. The NEA is perfect example.

Every Blade of Grass says he got rattled a bit in Sunday's earthquake in California. Glad to hear he's ok.

Mindful Musings provides evidence that disputes the notion we are 'beginning to pull out' of the economic crisis.

Western Rifle Shooters Association reports the bad news about the cancellation of the upcoming Oath Keepers rally.

Mike Vanderboegh has some rather stark observations concerning the NRA convention. As always, a very thought-provoking read...

Nicki blogs on her day at the range.

Say Uncle comments on Mitt Romney's appearance at the NRA Convention. Favorite son, huh. Yeah, right...

Robb Allen posts some gun slogans that should give you a chuckle this afternoon.

A FOUR-YEAR ISLAMIC COLLEGE IN THE U.S.??? Give me a freakin' break. Texas Fred has the story.

Tam has the quote of the day on San Fran Nan's tactic of remaining mum over the weekend.

Days of our Trailers rolled out the new 'Unorganized Militia' patches at the NRA Convention in Phoenix. Take a look!

It seems that 2A Musing had an encounter with Barney Fife incarnate while traveling on a 2-lane road late at night.

Alphecca opines on a absolutely horrible bill introduced by New York Congressman Peter King.

Rev. Karma explains his objection to Obama's speech at Notre Dame. Good reading!

Pax Parabellum has a must-read on McCain centrist philosophy vs. small government conservatism.

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