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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 5/13/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Sipsy Street Irregulars comments on the fact that the Obamanoids are growing more fearful by the day that the CIA is going to cause trouble for Democrats.

Gateway Pundit notes that in 2006 the Democrats blocked Social Security reform. Now, however, they have changed their tune since the great Messiah has ascended to his throne.

Mike McCarville says that the upcoming census will contain fictitious names. Take a look to see why. I will add to that the fact that ACORN will be right in the middle of it.

Meeting on the Green has more about that in this post entitled, 'ACORN Calling.'

JR provides a special update on campus carry legislation in Texas.

Texas Fred comments on the news that a problem has been found with the space shuttle.

Gun Rights Examiner takes a look at the Mexican 'horse and pony show' on guns.

David Codrea reports that Len Savage discusses the David Olofson gun case at JPFO, and you can listen to it by clicking the link.

Brigid explains why her blog is referred to as 'mausers and muffins.' And happy Blog-anniversary! It's good to have her around as one of the gun bloggers.

Free in Idaho has an important read entitled, 'It's Up to You to Protect Yourself.'

2A Musing posts a great pic of an AR-15 and tells us where some are available at a reasonable price.

Kurt Hofmann's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner reports that the campus carry bill in Missouri has been stalled by anti-gun bigots, and it needs some help to get it passed.

Days of our Trailers opines on the intolerable situation in Mexico and the growing tendency of citizens to take matters into their own hands.

Notoriously Conservative provides good reading with, 'Peace Through Strength--What Libtards Fail to See.'

Western Rifle Shooters Association posts the riveting 'Go Ahead and Jump.'

Michelle Malkin reports that the scumbag billionaire and extremist Leftist Democrat operative George Soros has gotten away with more illegal activity.

And then John Lott alerts us to the fact that the scumbag in the White House wants to regulate executive compensation for corporations across the board, even if they didn't accept TARP funds.

Tam informs us of the new way shooters are showing good manners. Take a look!

Say Uncle alerts us to the fact that the slippery-slope attempt of the nanny-state to control behavior now extends to 'thought crimes,' including what we read!

Sebastian says that thanks to Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), we now have a good National Parks Carry bill in Congress.

Breda has a summary and a download of last night's edition of Gun Nuts Radio.

Alphecca reports that the lawsuit against Glock has been dismissed.

Nicki provides the MUST-read definition of 'irony.' Actually I think it denotes 'outrage.' Take a look and tell me why we continue to support this corrupt sham we call the U.N.!

Pax Parabellum issues a Tennessee bloggers action alert! It seems the legislature is attempting to tax bloggers out of business!

Mindful Musings shares a quote from Thomas Jefferson that has turned out to be prophetic in these Obama days...

Walls of the City has essential reading entitled, 'The Government IS the Problem.'

The Rustmeister takes a U.S. Senator from his state on a trip to the woodshed, and for good reason. To be frank, I have had problems with this guy for years, going all the way back to Ronald Reagan's first run for the Republican nomination in 1976.

Live from the Upper Texas Gulf Coast gave us a chuckle with this quote of the day on the Eisenhower baby boom of the 1950s.

The Stiletto analyses in depth the politics of the new Star Trek movie. Take a look at her analysis of the connection the Lefties are making between Star Trek and Obama!

Ms. Underestimated has several posts, including videos, of Glenn Beck's series exposing corruption within ACORN, as reported by former employees. This is riveting stuff. Just click and scroll.


the pistolero said...

Actually, that was Hurricane Ike, which of course hit Texas eight months ago yesterday. But still, thanks for the link. ;-)

Welshman said...

LOL! I should have known.

But I didn't know there was a baby boom that came out it.

I do know the major baby boom that came during the Truman-Eisenhour years after the War.

Funny thing about that--when I see or hear 'Ike' I think of the former Presdient. Younger folk think of the hurricane.

Oh well...

the pistolero said...

Well, up until I was directly affected by the hurricane I thought of the former President and WWII general too. I live in the southeastern corner of Texas east of Houston, about 75 miles or so from where Ike rolled ashore. Had to evacuate for a couple of weeks but once I got back all I had to do was get the power back on and everything was back to normal. And I dunno if you'd call it a baby boom so much as a baby bump. Lol...