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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 4/1/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Sipsy Street Irregulars reports that China is measuring us for a knock-out blow with their new weapons systems.

Western Rifle Shooters Association posts a this-is-not-a-drill must-read on 'Committees of Correspondence, Protection, and Safety.'

Kurt Hofmann says that Mexican drug cartels don't need U.S. gun shops in order to arm themselves!

David Codrea writes about the lies of the ATF concerning Mexican drug cartels and U.S. guns.

Walls of the City posts a very interesting read entitled, 'Deal with the Devil.'

JR points to a few appropriate comments on Obama's 'change.'

Mindful Musings has a rather interesting graphic on 'acceptable gun control.'

John Jacob H says it's '3 minutes to midnight on the tyranny clock.' Take a look!

From Rev. Kharma: 'Humpty Dumpty and the Constitution.'

Free in Idaho points to some abject cluelessness on the part of Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration.

Ride Fast and Shoot Straight reports that National Geographic did a special on guns, and, as expected, it was totally skewed.

Tam says she's skeptical about the National Geographic story for one simple reason. Heh.

Pax Parabellum posts some important facts for Tea Party protesters on April 15.

Days of our Trailers highlights some potential problems concerning gun sales in California.

The Rustmeister comments on the double-standard in Washington these days.

Live From the Upper Texas Gulf Coast asks a vital question--'Why Not Tighten Security on the Entire Border?'

Notoriously Conservative reports jaw-dropping news that all charges have been dropped against former U.S. Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska due to prosecutorial misconduct.

Traction Control provides a MUST-read excerpt from Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.

Nicki says that the Senator I call 'Lurch' has called for tighter gun control.

Gun Nuts has the recap and audio of last night's edition of Gun Nuts Radio.

Say Uncle reports on the latest scary prospect concerning the government and free enterprise, and it's not even an April Fool's joke!

Robb Allen blogs about Google ads and guns.

Brigid always provides something worth reading in a style that is elegant, masterful, and thought-provoking. Take a look at 'To Everything a Season.'

Michelle Malkin points to a photo album directly from the eye of the G-20 storm in London.

Gateway Pundit provides an important update on the possible Congressional investigation into ACORN corruption based upon testimony provided by insider whistleblowers.

Standing By posts a good roundup of Townhall columnist commentary for today. Give it a read!

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