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Friday, March 27, 2009

WRSA: Time for Economic Civil Disobedience

Some time ago I wrote on The Liberty Sphere that there may well come a time when patriotic citizens will be forced to engage in civil disobedience in the era of Obama.

As I stated at the time, such an act would come at tremendous personal cost and is thus a decision that each individual must make as they see fit.

The type of civil disobedience I mentioned was the refusal to pay federal taxes. I stated that individuals and businesses should at the very least seriously consider expressing the ultimate disapproval of a government raging out of control--the refusal of the citizens to fund it.

If enough citizens and businesses would do this in tandem, the government would be forced to make necessary cuts in spending--cuts that could well save our republic.

In the spirit of that concept, Western Rifle Shooters Association suggests that the time for such civil disobedience has arrived.

Given the unprecedented government spending that is sure to bankrupt the country eventually, WRSA and others maintain that in order to save the Republic the citizens are going to have to undertake some personal sacrifice to stop the madness.

While this article does not mention refusing to pay taxes as a possible course of action, it does present some less draconian alternatives that are worthy of a careful reading and careful consideration.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or the gov. would just turn the printing presses on and leave them running.