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Friday, March 27, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 3/27/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Say Uncle says that apparently Sec of State Hillary Clinton didn't get the memo about murder rates in Mexico and the time-table of 'assault weapons bans' and their expiration dates.

Sipsy Street Irregulars reports that the ATF is at it again, back to their old shenanigans, this time hitting up licensed gun manufacturers for all of their records.

David Codrea's Gun Rights Examiner takes an in-depth look at this ATF initiative and examines its real purpose.

Bloviating Zeppelin points to a cover story that states unequivocally that the police state is already here and operational in America.

2A Musing has more on the Clinton-Mexico initiative with regard to 'tackling the Second Amendment.'

From Robb Allen: 'Facts. Why Can't They Just Stick to the Narrative?'

Texas Fred reports that a former military officer has filed a federal criminal complaint against Barack Obama.

Sebastian informs us that Governor Sarah Palin has appointed an NRA Board Member as Alaska's Attorney-General.

Kurt Hofmann provides a good summary of some gun rights victories in Illinois.

Armed and Safe has a must-read entitled, 'Clueless in California.'

Insight on Freedom posts essential reading entitled, 'Now They're Coming for Your Kids!'

Days of our Trailers has some key excerpts from the big gun debate last night on WGN Radio.

The Rustmeister shows us a video of a new gadget--the 'cell phone gun.'

Nicki blogs on a 'band of scumbags' out in Oakland.

Pax Parabellum has the first rule of gun-fighting. 'It's elementary, my dear Watson.'

Joe Huffman provides the quote of the day on Barney Frank. By the way, did you hear that Nancy Pelosi slipped up and referred to Frank as 'chairwoman' in a news conference yesterday?

Notoriously Conservative notes that runaway inflation is on the way. Take a look to find out why.

JR reports that the employer parking lot gun bill has passed the Texas Senate.

Roberta X blogs on her new firearm.

Rev. Kharma observes that in this hour when America faces critical problems, the Senate springs into action on 'the big one!' Take a look.

Dark Blog has a must-read on the police state, entitled, 'Innocence is Irrelevant.'

Ms. Underestimated has a must-see video of the British member of Parliament, Daniel Hannan, explaining why the government-run healthcare system of Britain is so monstrous.

An Ol' Broad's Ramblings provides some good political cartoons to get your weekend started with a chuckle. Enjoy.

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