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Thursday, March 19, 2009

'Liberalism, Universities, and the Thought Police'

It was once understood that the university was a place where one was encouraged to explore not only new ideas but to engage in healthy debate concerning one's views on a variety of issues, politics included.

But as we have seen so often in modern times, higher education has become a vehicle by which to indoctrinate young minds. Independent thinking is discouraged if it runs afoul of the accepted dogma.

However, a serious new effort has been launched to examine just what is taking place on college campuses across America and to explore methods of addressing the tendency of academia to bury independent thought.

This study (and film) should raise some eyebrows.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My response was to get as far away from these lower life forms as possible. You will look a long time before you find someone who has a lower opinion of the drones who hold classes at the college level. You will note, I didn't say "teach".

I have met the exceptions, but that is the shame of it, they were exceptions.

I probably went to college off and on for thirty years. Always at the top of my class. I just couldn't stand to associate with the people I met there long enough to actually finish a degree.

There isn't much tolerance in me for being disgusted.

I had a similar experience as Scott with a Phi Beta Kappa professor. But I was much older than Scott and way more prepared to extract revenge of various natures and I let him know it at the first threat to me.

regardless I just never found any of them to be worth toleration. Usually a semester at a time was I could take in a several year period. It always took me that long to overcome the nausea or having dealt with them.