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Friday, February 27, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 2/27/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Breda and her husband are off to the Chicago Tea Party today. Hundreds are expected.

JR provides good commentary today on Eric Holder and the assault weapons ban.

Walls of the City blogs on the obvious contradiction between the 10th amendment to the Constitution and the 'assault' weapons ban.

Texas Fred reports that Americans in Mexico are being warned concerning growing violence.

Regarding Mexico, Insight on Freedom says the U.S. fails the test on national security.

Days of our Trailers comments on the 'gun rights' Trojan Horse, the American Hunters and Shooters Association.

The Rustmeister offers some comic relief with a 'Friday Funny.'

Live from the Upper Texas Gulf Coast observes that some fools never learn. The GOP leadership, for example. Read it!

Western Rifle Shooters Association has a link that shows us who Obama is appointing to the upper-middle tier of gov't bureaucracy...the ones who make the decisions. And it ain't good.

Nicki just told anti-gun AG Eric Holder to go to hell! She never minces words...

Pax Parabellum points out that despite the rhetoric, Obama can't just raise taxes only on the rich to pay for his massive spending program. Taxes will eventually skyrocket for ALL.

Say Uncle reports that Idaho is the latest state to consider snubbing federal gun laws.

Codrea's Gun Rights Examiner says the Obama team is now in full damage control over Holder's call for a new assault weapons ban. Apparently they got an earful of outrage.

Codrea's War on Guns posts the MUST-read of the day from the President of the Norfolk County League of Sportsmen's Clubs.

Sebastian reports that the Tea Party held today in Philly was very poorly attended.

Instapundit, however, has pics from areas of the country where the Tea Party was highly successful, despite the terrible weather. In some areas, it was extremely cold. In others, it was cold and rainy. But they showed up by the hundreds.

Armed and Safe says that San Fran Nan is now chirping the same mantra as the NRA!

Hofmann's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner has a riveting column today entitled, 'What will it be--a new assault weapons ban or a preserved Union?'

Alphecca shares news from D.C. that may result in its gun laws being stripped away.

Michelle Malkin provides photos from D.C.'s Tea Party today.

Mike McCarville has news from Dan Boren's Congressional task force on the assault weapons ban.

Sipsy Street Irregulars says that the New York Times, which is on the brink of going under, had the audacity and stupidity to call for draconian gun control. Read it all.

And now...the moment you've all been waiting for...An Ol' Broad's Ramblings provides the best in political cartoons in 'Obamarama.' This has become a Friday tradition here on the Liberty Sphere. Be sure to take a look and have yourself a good laugh!

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