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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Obama the Law-Breaker

It has already been established that Barack Obama has broken the law, and it is a serious one. By merely issuing an order to place the U.S. Census under the control of the White House, he broke a law established by Congress itself to place the Census under the Department of Commerce.

It must be nice to know that your Party controls the government. That way you have the comfort of being assured that no matter what laws you break you won't hear a peep of protest from the slavish minions in Congress.

The thing that is curious, however, is that the mainstream media has been totally silent about this issue. As Newsbusters reports, there hasn't been a peep out of them either...not that surprising.

But this is a serious issue. The Founders believed that the Census should be a totally non-partisan endeavor. The Constitution calls for it. Congress passed a law early-on that insured its impartiality by taking it out of the control of the President.

But Obama apparently believes that he can just up and break the law whenever it suits his needs, and in this case it suits his needs because by controlling the Census he can insure Democrats remain in power for generations to come.

You see, Congressional districts are redrawn based upon the Census. And if the Census is in partisan hands, the numbers can be tweaked to favor one's Party, leading to gerrymandering--configuring districts in such a manner that Democrats will be insured victory.

A lot is at stake on how this plays out. The matter will most definitely wind up in the Courts unless Obama backs off this stunningly ill-conceived plan to break the law. And if Congress were under the control of different hands, you can rest assured he would be facing impeachment hearings, and for good reason.


drjim said...

Surely our congress critters know the law well enough to realize this is illegal, don't they? I mean, even if 90% of them are brain-dead (and I'm being generous!), shouldn't somebody in the remaining 10% bring this up? Are they ALL so morally bankrupt as to allow this to happen?

Welshman said...

One would certainly think so, eh?

drjim said...

BTW...thanks for bringing up the legality of it. I've heard lots of people discussing it, but haven't even heard the conservative talk radio guys bring up the fact that it's clearly breaking the law!

Welshman said...

The fact that talk radio has not considered this fact is odd. One would think this is the very first line of reasoning to be used to oppose the Obama plan to seize control of the Census.

As it stands now, it is against a law that Congress itself passed many years ago.

Thus, unless Congress changes that law, and they could well do so under the present composition, Obama is breaking the law by seizing control of the U.S. Census.

Anonymous said...

There are a few people and organizations ringing the bell about this issue, but they are few and far between at this point.
Related to this is the gerrymandering fight in Colorado, Texas, and a few other states in recent times. Conservatives caved in, and now, the Socialist's are in control of two of the branches of government. (Some say all three!)
As a result of previous cowardice we now see the fruits of inaction and lack of moral fortitude.
Against the law? Okay, then just change the law so it will suit our needs is the theme of the day. This is precisely why as of late I have stopped using the "Law abiding Citizen" terminology. It doesn't matter if it is speaking out against abuse by the forces in power, or weapons, or even the speed limit.
Now, all that stops the authoritarians that love totalitarism is the stroke of a pen, and you and I are criminals.

drjim said...

Good points, Patrick. I've sensed the same thing lately....when the tyrants want things more to their liking, they just change the laws, and make them retroactive!
Whatever happened to America?